What is the best AI essay writer? Is it the same as essay writing services?

by Pot32ter - opened

I understand that many students are currently utilizing AI services like AcademicHelp. However, I'm puzzled as to why this trend is gaining such traction, especially considering that traditional essay writing services have been around for over 20 years. For instance, with services like CheetahPapers, students can get their essays written for as low as $10 per page. It's important to note that AI essay writers don't provide a complete, ready-to-submit essay. So, what could be the reason behind this growing obsession with AI services for essay writing?

AI writing services, like AcademicHelp, are catching on because they're more than just about getting essays written on the cheap. Unlike traditional services like CheetahPapers, AI tools offer flexibility and a unique collaborative aspect. They're not just churning out ready-to-submit essays for $10 a page; they're helping students develop their ideas, improve their writing skills, and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. It's this interactive and developmental component that's making AI services a go-to for students. It's not just about submitting an assignment; it's about growing as a learner.

Another reason AI essay services are booming is because, let's be real, they cater to the laziness in us. It's easier and faster to let an AI do the heavy lifting, even if it means not editing or personalizing the work before submission. This tweet I saw https://twitter.com/LifeAfterMyPhD/status/1769620224461189336 nails it – students are using these AI tools to skip the grunt work, despite knowing it's not the best approach academically. It's about convenience and cutting corners, not just affordability or learning.

It's clear to me now that the way we approach essay writing in our education system is deeply flawed. We're stuck in a routine of writing essays not to explore ideas or deepen our understanding, but to meet standardized criteria for grades. This realization hit me harder with the advent of AI in education. AI has the potential to revolutionize essay writing, making it a tool for genuine learning and exploration. But instead, we're either pushing back against it or using it merely as a shortcut. This misuse of AI in essay writing is a symptom of a larger issue: our education system's failure to adapt to the needs and possibilities of the 21st century. We're at a crossroads where we could use AI to make essay writing a dynamic, personalized learning experience, yet we're clinging to outdated methods. It's time for a major shift in how we teach and learn, especially in writing, to truly embrace the potential that AI offers for educational transformation.

No, it is not. It is the same as buying a fast food (AI) instead of a balanced food (writing services).
Your body will benefit less from fast food. You can eat fast food every once in a while, but if you do it regularly – you will drain yourself. You will have a belly, you and everyone will see that you are on a bad diet.

As of the essay writing services.
You see, there are restaurants, where you can buy a glass of water for $10. Where staff members wear elegant clothes, and claim they are the best in the world. Of course, you can have a good salary, and buy a glass of water for $10. But unless you are dying of dehydration – that will make you a complete idiot.
On the other hand, there are restaurants, that have reasonable prices. They don’t claim that they have a healing water that will make you walk off wheelchair, but they are strict about following the sanitary standards. CheetahPapers.com is that restaurant. It is a place where you can buy a glass of water for $2 without becoming an idiot, without getting a Hepatitis, Cryptosporidium, or other unfriendly bacteria, and getting fresh instead.

Bro, I like AeroPie’s analogy but since i’m 21, i will give you an adult version of the similar statement if you may!

What is the best AI essay writer? Is it the same as essay writing services? = What is the best sex robot? Is it the same as a real person?

Robots are dangerous. They explode. + they can electrocute parts of your body. People can also do these things. But unlike robots, they will not compansate your health loss according to the law.
I tried CheetahPapers.com only once but was happy with their work. Didn’t like the first version of what they did to my original paper, but i asked for a revidion and they edited the hell out of it and it was perfect.

What is the best AI essay writer? Is it the same as essay writing services? = What is the best sex robot? Is it the same as a real person?

Good metaphor, but poor punctuation. I would definitely recommend you to use CheetahPapers more often to learn from them.

I use Chat GPT as my main go-to AI writer, when I have too many short deadlines. But it is resonable for me only(!) because I know how to write. I can notice obvious mistakes. If you are a grammar hot-head like our 21-year-old – you should consider all AI writers as potential threats, that will expose you. Same as drugs (if we all decided to play "The Club of Analogists")

What is the best AI essay writer?

There is no such thing. You check every AI essay writer and see if it works for you. They all constantly work on improving their own product, so make sure to do it regularly.

Is it the same as essay writing services?


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